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The Royal Marsden Manual of Clinical and Cancer Nursing Procedures

Published Date: 01st May 2024

Attention all nurses and health care assistants!

Did you know that you have free online access to the latest edition of the Royal Marsden Manual?

Nationally recognised as the definitive guide to clinical nursing skills, The Royal Marsden Manual of Clinical Nursing Procedures has provided essential nursing knowledge and up-to-date information on nursing skills and procedures for over 30 years.

You have access to both the Professional Edition AND ‘The Royal Marsden Manual of Cancer Nursing Procedures,’ providing you with over 300 detailed, evidence-based procedures across 28 chapters.

Content is now linked to the ‘Future Nurse: Standards of Proficiency for Registered Nurses’ (NMC 2018) document, providing clear information on the roles, responsibilities, and accountabilities of registered nurses and the newest edition also includes:

  • Expanded content on Mental Capacity and Safeguarding
  • Increased focus on Clinical Governance outlining any professional guidance, law, or other national policy that may be relevant to the procedures
  • A new chapter on ‘Self Care and Wellbeing’ reflecting the expectation that nurses “must be emotionally intelligent and resilient individuals, who are able to manage their own personal health and wellbeing, and know when and how to access support (NMC 2018)”

How to access the Royal Marsden Manual

You will need your NHS OpenAthens username and password to log in to the manual. If you don’t have one already you can register online here: https://openathens.nice.org.uk/ it will only take you a few minutes. And if you’ve forgotten your password it is easy to reset: https://openathens.nice.org.uk/ForgotPassword/Reset.

You can find the link to the online Royal Marsden at: https://www.rmmonline.co.uk/

From there click on login, then select log in with OpenAthens.


At the bottom of the next screen, select ‘sign in with OpenAthens account’ at the bottom of the page and then type in your OpenAthens username and password.


If you have any problems or need further help please contact us library@sthk.nhs.uk


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