What's New

e-Journals Consultation

Published Date: 08th October 2020

We are conducting our annual review of our e-journal subscriptions and we want your suggestions so that we subscribe to the most appropriate titles across a wide range of subjects.

We subscribe to over 1000 ejournals and you can see which titles we have by going to https://journals.nice.org.uk and logging in with your NHS OpenAthens account. Alternatively email us library@sthk.nhs.uk and we will send you a list of available journals in your subject area.

If you have any comments/suggestions regarding the range of titles available email us at library@sthk.nhs.uk by 31 October 2020.

While we welcome your suggestions, the final decision will be based on cost, ease of access and coverage of subjects.


Photo by Miguel Á. Padriñán from Pexels


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