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COVID-19 Knowledge Summary - 27 November 2020

Published Date: 27th November 2020

The latest issue of our Covid-19 Knowledge Summary is now available.

It features some of the latest guidance and reports to be published:

  • Cabinet Office: COVID-19 Winter Plan
  • NHS Employers: Fast track DBS guidance for vaccinators
  • Department of Health and Social Care: Coronavirus (COVID-19) testing: privacy information (Updated 24th November)
  • Department of Health and Social Care: Policy paper - Staying mentally well: winter plan 2020 to 2021
  • UCL Partners: COVID-19 wave 1- Reflections and learning from practice across a sample of UK intensive care units
  • Clinical and Applied Thrombosis/Hemostasis: The Use of TherapeuticDose Anticoagulation and Its Effect on Mortality in Patients With COVID-19: A Systematic Review
  • Cochrane Library: Physical interventions to interrupt or reduce the spread of respiratory viruses
  • Public Health England: Guidance - COVID-19: mitigation of risks in occupational settings with a focus on ethnic minority groups

To keep up to date with the latest reports, guidelines and news in a wide range of topics please visit the Knowledge Alerts where you can sign up to receive a personalised daily, weekly or monthly bulletin via email. NB: You will need an NHS OpenAthens account to access these pages.

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