
3-Dimensional Model

Published Date: 19th July 2016

Publication Authors: Graham K, Hassan Z


The European Working Time Directive and streamlined training has led to reduced training time. Surgery, as an experience-dependent craft specialty is affected more than other medical specialties. Trainees want to maximize all training opportunities in the clinical setting, and having predeveloped basic skills acquired on a simulated model can facilitate this.

Here we describe the use of a novel model to design and raise local flaps in the face and scalp regions. The model consists of mannequin heads draped with porcine skin which is skewered with pins at strategic points to give a 3-dimensional model which closely resembles a cadaveric head.

The advantages of this model are that it is life size and incorporates all the relevant anatomical features, which can be drawn on if required.

This model was used on a recent course, Intermediate Skills in Plastic Surgery: Flaps Around the Face, at the Royal College of Surgeons England. The trainees found that practicing on the porcine skin gave them an opportunity to master the basics of flap design and implementation.

In summary, this innovative 3-dimensional training model has received high levels of satisfaction and is currently as close as we can get to cadaveric dissection without the constraints and cost of using human tissue.

Hassan, Z; Hogg, F; Graham, K. (2013).  A 3-Dimensional Model for Teaching Local Flaps Using Porcine Skin . Annals of Plastic Surgery. epub 22nd June

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